Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I never have to watch Lethal Weapon again!

I finally finished!  Well, technically, I fell asleep before the big ending of Lethal Weapon IV, but I was present while it was playing, so it counts.  Here's a review:

Gas station explosion...Riggs haircut... Murtaugh abused... house explosion... car explosion... boat explosion... another car explosion... Murtaugh is too old for various forms of shit... pregnancy... babies... Chinese people...shooting... laughing gas... promotion... Chris Rock's big teeth... blah blah blah blah...

Don't be fooled.  He IS too old for this shit.


  1. lol! congrats on surviving 3 lethal weapons!

  2. Yep, I'm good never seeing them again. They're okay, and I liked #4, but that was probably because of Jet Li.

    1. Jet Li was pretty good. Mitch and I didn't like his rat tail hairdo though.

  3. Good news. That clears your schedule to watch all the Scary Movies, both Caddyshacks and the two Meatballs movies.

    1. Just when you think you are done, more gets piled on your plate. Thanks a lot!


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