Thursday, March 26, 2020

A day in the life of an expendable human

I'm kind of getting in the groove of staying at home and I think that my calling is to be a stay-at-home teacher. Of course, we haven't even started teaching yet, but we will soon. I really enjoy making lesson plans. I've been in contact with most of my students as well so I'm actually kind of excited for this to start to see how it happens. I have been asking my kids a question of the day on our virtual classroom just to reel them in and get them to look at their email every day. Today I asked them to send me pics of their at-home work space and their pets. This was for a few reasons: I want to see pet pictures because who wouldn't? And I want to see their work spaces so they make sure to have one, and I want them to send me pictures to make sure they have at least a fundamental knowledge of how to use the internet and the basic technology we will be using. I saw lots of cats and dogs, a chinchilla, fish, and some kind of crazy lizard. I also heard from one straight A student that she does not know how to attach a picture to an email. We assume kids are good at using technology, but for the most part, they are not.

I am listening to the governor right now talk about the details of our current shelter in place order.  It's so surreal. And what is even more surreal is that the shithead in the White House thinks we should sacrifice lives for the sake of the economy. I thought to myself, "Well, this will make all those MAGA idiots finally see him for what a crass, immoral dickhead that he is!" but no. They are falling into line behind him saying that it is important to spare the economy. Do they not know that he is talking about THEM? US? The little people who couldn't get a Covid test unless we were at death's door even as entire NBA teams get tested because....? And even if we were at death's door, many of us would be told to go home and not to come to a hospital unless it was dire. I read a tweet the other day that said the best way to find out if you have Covid is to cough in a rich person's face.

While I have been setting up my online classroom with my colleagues, we have made contingency plans in case we get sick. There are at least two other adult staff members that have administrative access to our online classroom sites in case we start to fall ill to this pandemic.

I hope that if I go at least Carnival Cruise Lines or Boeing gain some points on the stock market. That would make it all worth it.

Capitalism is so great, you guys. So glad we aren't fucking socialists. 

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