Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I miss my old gauchos

This week is Winter Week(?) at Sam's school.  That's what he says it is, but I bet it's Winter Sport's Week or something like that instead of just "Winter Week."  They have a different theme for every day and today's theme was "decade day."  They could dress up like a person from the decade of their choice.  Sam LOVES David Hasslehoff of Knight Rider fame so he did his best impression with what he had in his closet.

He OF COURSE wouldn't let me take a picture of him because 1) he looked cute 2) he's an INFURIATING eighth grade boy and 3) I think he somehow knows the picture would have ended up on the internet.  (Can't blame him for that, it would have.)  So instead of a picture that describes him in a thousand words, I will have to actually use a thousand real words to describe him.  Just kidding.  I'm not using a thousand words.  It wasn't that funny.  He wore jeans, a red t-shirt (or maybe it was black.  I can't remember.  DAmmit, I should have taken a picture!) a jean jacket, and a HUGE BELT BUCKLE THAT SAYS "SAM"!  The belt buckle really made the outfit, although I never saw Michael Knight wear a "Sam" buckle on Knight Rider.  Oh well.  It was funny.  Also, Sam is growing a beard, I mean "beard" because it looks a lot like my premenopausal beard and I wouldn't call that a real beard, just random strange-looking, surprisingly long chin hairs.  Kind of like Shaggy from Scooby Doo.

The whole dressing-up-in-past-decade-apparel got Mitch and I talking about stuff we used to wear.  Mitch went through a Prince faze, (the singer, not the royalty.  Wait, maybe... I don't think...  I'll have to check.) and he described an outfit he had that included a set of suspenders that were not meant to go on the shoulders, but to hang down, jauntily.  AWESOME.  I remembered fondly a set of gauchos I had in fourth grade and an elastic belt that went with them that said "GAUCHOS GAUCHOS GAUCHOS" across the whole thing. I miss those.


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