I don't even want to plant anything in it because I think it looks so nice with just the fresh black dirt. Unfortunately there is a lot of dirt left over. Probably another garden's worth.
Notice the tents in the yard behind the dirt? The kids put them up yesterday and thought it would be a great idea to sleep out there! I thought they were crazy for even thinking it, but I told them they could. So they jumped on the trampoline until about 9:00 and then went to bed. They had only their chintzy little Walmart sleeping bags and pillows. They lasted out there until 6:00 this morning and then they came in the house. I got up at 3:00 and checked the temperature and it was 40 degrees. I was tempted to check on them to make sure they weren't hypothermic, but I stopped myself. People survive in 40 degree temps all the time and I bet they only wished they were in their parent's front yard and had Walmart sleeping bags! I checked on the kids at about 9:30. Here they are:
I don't think Sam has slept past 8:30 in his entire life. He said he was tired because he pitched his tent on a slope and his sleeping bag kept sliding so he'd wake up every few hours and have to claw his way to the other side of the tent.
Today I'm going to mow the lawn, and do some other stuff on my long long list of outdoor projects. I wore my hat yesterday and it was fantastic. My face is still the delicate alabaster it was all winter, but I forgot I was wearing it and went to Home Depot and by the time I realized I was still wearing it, it was too late to take it off because I had hat hair. People kept staring at me like they thought I was Jennifer Aniston. NO, I'M NOT JENNIFER ANISTON, I'M JUST DOING YARD WORK! Man did I get sick of saying that.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone!
Actually, I would LOVE some free dirt! Do you deliver....to Bemidji??!! We have a bunch of yard projects planned as well...our yard just isn't as big as yours (thank God!). :)
ReplyDeleteI love every inch of the post. And am happy I didn't comment earlier about the peeling paint on the garage that was a distraction in your Malibu Sarah photo.
ReplyDeleteUh Oh, that is not the same building. I just looked. Sorry, time to fix that too. LOL
ReplyDeleteYes Kelly! It was the same building! Now it's all fixed and perfect!
ReplyDeleteAh, bird house missing. Well anyway, maybe if I blogged and took a picture of myself next to the whole in our siding from the weed waker incident, Mike will fix our siding.