Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I'm gonna be a Pilot!

Minnesota legislators are soon going to vote on a bill that would allow people with a four year degree, but no teacher training, become teachers!  You could spend four years in college, get a degree in underwater basket weaving and then get out and teach school! All you will have to do is take a 200 hour crash course in teaching.  (I was a real sucker for taking over four years to learn to be a teacher.  It apparently only takes five weeks.)

The second having to have a license or any kind of specific training to practice a profession is moot, I think I will try out all kinds of things, why not! I have a four-year degree!  I can do anything!

The first thing I'm going to do is become a nurse.  RNs  have four-year degrees, I have a four-year degree, therefore, according to the Minnesota legislature, I could probably do a decent job of being a nurse.  I want some scrubs.  I'm kind of squeamish though so as soon as bodily fluids come into play, I'm outta there.  Kind of like when I joined track in high school to get the cool sweatsuit, but then learned I was expected to run. Every day.  Yeah, right.

Then I think I'll be an electrician.  I use electricity literally all the time.  I'm an electricity expert; flip switch up: on.  Flip switch down: off.   I'm trained (enough)!  I have a bachelor's degree in education.  I'm educated.  If I'm educated, I can do anything, right?  All that's been in my way are these pesky licenses!

Need anything rewired?

Oh, you know what I'd really like to do?  Fly commercial airliners!  I'm sure that YEAR LONG course I suffered through, Methods and Materials of Teaching Secondary English will really help out with takeoff and landing. Once I get my job being a pilot, flying will be much more pleasant.  Trips go by so much faster when I'm the driver.  I have lots of experience driving a car, and a little bit driving a boat, and I actually took over the yolk (that's what they call it) in a small plane and controlled it myself once for about five minutes (actual flying experience).  I'm totally qualified.

Then I think I'll become an architect for a while.  I live in a building, I go in buildings all the time, I've built Sims houses.  I could do it.  I'm qualified because I have a bachelor's degree, and more importantly, I BELIEVE I could be an architect although I have a degree in English Education; just like some Minnesota legislators believe that anyone with a four-year degree can walk into a classroom and teach 30 kids.  Easy.

If this bill passes and you can do ANYTHING with your four-year degree, what do you want to do?


  1. I think with my degree I want to be a licensed trainer and run a gym. I go to Curves so I can do it.

  2. Hahahaha! "Yoke", not "Yolk" unless, that is, you were flying an egg of some sort.
    I'm sure you'd be a fine pilot - all it really takes is believing in yourself, and the rest will probably just fall into place!
    I'm going to pilot nuclear submarines.

  3. To think I got an MA degree in History, 21 education credits, plus nine additional History credits. A Master's plus thirty? What a waste of time.

    If only I could go back in time and take underwater basket-weaving. I petitioned my school to offer it, but the degree wasn't offered until I left.

  4. Admin, it might have been an egg I was flying. I don't know the specifics, I just remember if you pull up, it goes up, push down, it goes down. What else do I need to know?

    Theresa, sounds like you got suckered even worse than I did. But with a Masters degree maybe you could be a doctor or a lawyer when actually being trained in specific areas is a thing of the past.

    Mom, you could totally be a personal trainer. I've seen you at Curves. Look out Jillian Michaels!

  5. Ughhhh all my hard work....

    But I guess I could use my four year degree to become some type of surgeon, right? I mean I DID read a lot of books in undergrad. It doesn't matter that they're not medically related, right? Plus, I watch quite a bit of Grey's Anatomy when Lifetime shows it. If that's not qualification enough, I don't know what is.

  6. You know, Tiffany, you're right. I was only underestimating myself when I didn't put doctor on my list to begin with. I have watched TONS of ER. I am familiar with how to give a "trach," how to relieve pressure from the pericardium, how to "crack a chest," how to intubate etc. etc. I could totally be a doctor. Now somebody give me some kids to practice on.

  7. Why don't you just run for office? I could just see you sittin' next to Al Franken.


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